Weight Loss Made Simple -Easy Keep Your Swimsuit Figure Year Round
Weight Loss Made Simple -Easy Keep Your Swimsuit Figure Year Round
discussion about the best ways to achieve and maintain a healthy weight there would be a quick, easy formula. The truth is there are more programs, diets, and books than ever on this topic that continues to capture the attention of so many of us, and often confuse us.
and how we operate at all levels including our tendencies in weight, size, and fitness. Not one of us is just alike. Just as you cannot compare a rose to a daisy, or a hydrangea to a tulip, each one of us is unique in nature. Our objective then, for a great weight/fitness strategy, is not to create one perfect mold for everyone but to provide a way for any person of any genetic make-up who came from any background to benefit from a program which forms the most supportive, yet simple philosophy and habits to maintain a fit, slim, healthy body FOREVER. The end goal is not for all of us to aspire to one certain body size or shape, but to reach a size and shape that allows us to live healthy, fit, active lives and to look and feel good at the same time.
First of all, engaging in some kind of aerobic activity at LEAST four times a week will raise your metabolism not only when you are doing it, but for hours afterward you have metabolic benefits. Secondly, doing some kind of weight bearing exercise will create more lean muscle in your body, which burns far more calories ounce-per-ounce than that useless fat that's been hanging around. Thirdly, the psychological benefits of exercise will make you feel like a million bucks. You'll have more energy throughout the day, which will motivate you to move even more! Oh, and don't give yourself any excuses like "I can't afford a gym membership." Because, you know what... I can, and I don't use it.
Instead, I tie on my running shoes and head out for a jog or up a mountain (or even some hilly streets) for a hike. Jogging and walking are free. You don't have to pay a thing and you get to enjoy nature and fresh air, which can be like a whole meditative experience in itself. Then, when I return, I drop down for some push-ups, then some sit-ups, then some leg lifts and squats against the wall. You'd be amazed at how many weight bearing exercises you can do just bearing the weight of your own body. I also add in some inexpensive hand or ankle weights. I've even been known to grab some cans of chili for strengthening the forearms. All of this takes me no more than 45 minutes to an hour. It's really efficient when you don't have to drive yourself to a gym and back. No time wasted socializing either. Oh, and don't forget to stretch a little at the end. It will keep you flexible for tomorrow's fun!
If It's White and Refined Don't Eat
White flours and white sugars are refined which basically means they are stripped of much of their nutrition. What is taken out in the refining process is the fiber and some essential nutrients. Hello...there is probably a reason God put the fiber there in the first place.
Notice in the new recommended food pyramids white products are way up at the top in the tiniest section...right next to red meats and butter, basically telling you to eat very little of them. I would recommend skipping them altogether. There are SO many other great things to eat that will keep you healthy and slim.
In this good fat group there are three types of essential fatty
When we went through the carb-diet craze, fats got a really bad rap. As Americans started eating plates of pasta and boxes of bagels, and avoiding such things as avocados, almonds and salmon, we started getting fatter and fatter. We somehow got stuck on the idea that any fat is bad. NOT TRUE. These good fats found in such foods are so crucial to our health and metabolism that we simply cannot be completely healthy without them.In this good fat group there are three types of essential fatty acids or EFA's, and they are our most potent blood sugar stabilizers. Omega 3's found in walnuts, pumpkin seeds, flax seeds and flaxseed oil, and fatty fish; the good omega 6's that are found in borage and evening primrose oils; and omega 9's that can be found in such things as olive oil, avocados, and peanuts. In addition to stabilizing blood sugar, EFAs actually boost your body's ability to specifically BURN FATS rather than store them. Many overweight or obese people have an EFA deficiency. EFAs also provide a great nutritional support to your heart, brain, skin, and reproductive system. Now that's a food you want on your side! If you find that it is difficult to get the full amount of EFAs you need in a day, the supplements are very safe and effective. They are basically the actual food source in a gel cap or liquid oil.
Just to eliminate any confusion, make sure you stay away from the bad fats which include hydrogenated, oxidized, or heat processed fats found in things like margarine, fried foods, and shortening. Those "bad" fats are linked to premature aging and diseases like cancer and heart disease.
Get ready to put those good fats to work sculpting your body and making it healthy at the same time.
Labels: Weight Loss Made Simple -Easy Keep Your Swimsuit Figure Year Round
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