Thursday, January 22, 2015

Lose Belly Fat After Pregnancy - Visualization 101

How in the world does not lose belly fat through visualization? Very good question. You are in the right place to get your answer, read on.

I started using visualization techniques to give birth without drugs against pain. I used techniques HypnoBirthing and once I had my son with these techniques a new world of what is possible is open.

Our minds are very powerful. We can make things happen for viewing. I'm living proof. I slept (actually snoring) in the middle of my contractions to give birth to my son.

Read on, there's more!

I used these visualization techniques to lose belly fat after pregnancy I'm not kidding!

1. Take 1 minute of every day to visualize the consumption of healthy foods.

Just before I got out of bed, I saw myself in my mind, eating healthy food and how I felt good because I was getting my body healthy fuel.

2. Take 1 minute of every day to visualize yourself being active all day

Again, this is before I got out of bed every morning. I imagined having a great energy during the day and take my son to walk, cleaning the house, etc.

3. Take 1 minute of every day to see you shed fat while

This may sound funny, but even displayed the fusion of fat on my body. I saw myself in my favorite team. I imagined how I would feel in that suit. I imagined how strong and sexy'd sense be fit and toned.

These three minutes are so easy to implement in your daily routine to lose belly fat after pregnancy.

I guarantee that if you do these three minutes a habit, you will see results.

My only recommendation for the use of this technique is to use all your senses. See yourself slimmer, thinner feel yourself better taste you, hear you thinner, slimmer you touch. Integrate all these directions and you are on your way to a fitter, healthier, slimmer!

Read on if you want to know more about adding a simple method in your lifestyle to lose belly fat after pregnancy forever!

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I am a wife and mother. I went through four pregnancies and three miscarriages. The three consecutive miscarriages were and it was a very difficult time in my life. I like to share my story to help others in times when they need encouragement.
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