Friday, November 21, 2014

A Weight Loss Swimming Routine

Today I want to discuss a good swimming routine for weight loss. It's fun, it's healthy, it's good to have that lean and mean Hollywood physique that is guaranteed to turn heads in this pool! ;-)

This routine is close to everything you want to do something different for a change and especially useful if you can not run at that time, for example, knee or lower back trouble. It keep you in good shape, burn fat fast and is fun to boot!

If an athlete wants rehabilitation keep your heart and lungs in shape, if an obese person simply can not work, however, this pool routine deliver every time. It is simple and powerful. With swimming training described here will improve your energy levels and lose weight in record time. It merely provides the right to optimize fat burning hormonal response.

I recommend you go to this point in a fasting state to make the most of your efforts. After the workout you can wait an hour or two before the ingestion of calories from day one. So in other words: in the morning, just after it arises, it is usually the best time for it.

Now ... Are you ready? You sure? Here ...

The routine: Warm swimming easy for two minutes.

That's enough. Steel yourself!

Training starts by going hard at it for 60 seconds. Rest interval is 40 seconds. No more, what is important! Then swim fast for 40 seconds at a higher rate. Rest for 30 seconds. Again, make sure not to exceed the range. It is imperative that the effect of accumulated fatigue.

Now do 30 seconds faster and far as you can. Take a deep breath for 20 seconds, then "Sprint" for 20 seconds, all that. That's right: only 10 seconds of rest, barely enough time for a breather and repeat 20 seconds set two times, each time just 10 seconds.

This is based on the "Tabata Protocol", and melts fat like crazy!

(! Not too likely if you want more;-)), you can do: do 20 minutes of low intensity, easy to use a few extra calories swimming.

That's it.

Here is the simple and very effective



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