The Equations of Weight Loss
Living in a Fitness Frenzy era is hard to ignore all the rumors about weight loss. Math facts behind weight loss, however, are rarely emphasized. So, let's dive into the numbers!
PART 1: Facts about fats
Suppose that a weight loss of 5 kg (11 pounds) is desired. How many calories is that amount?
Whenever you lose weight intentionally, its fat and only fat, you should go. Nobody wants to lose muscle, bone or skin!
1 g (~ 1/25 oz) fat = 10 calories (it's actually closer to 9, but 10 is fine for a quick estimate).
So, 1 kg (2.2 pounds) of fat = 10,000 calories.
Thus to lose 5 kg (11 pounds) of fat, you must burn 50,000 calories!
PART 2: is your only a matter of time
So, how long you can reasonably assume that burn 50,000 calories?
The average daily balance of power for the average person is in the range of 2000 - 3000 calories - the energy consumed as a food and spent in daily routine activities.
Above all, the energy in and out is almost the same on most days for most people.
In fact, body fat is unconsciously controlled by a very precise mechanism, which involves the hormone leptin is secreted by fat cells and acts on the center of the brain's appetite - in a region known as the hypothalamus. So if more fat is stored, appetite tends to drop. (There is another mechanism involving "brown fat" - a special type of fat that burns calories for free, but this is not considered important in humans.)
Therefore, the body weight tends to be stable over long periods of time, which varies little with respect to the energy consumed as food - in the range from 750 000 to 1 million calories over a year which is equivalent to 75 100 kg of fat.
This highly evolved mechanism "weight control", however, is designed to store a little more to lose, especially in the "middle" age, fat reserves thus accumulate in subsequent years. Therefore, as the saying goes, the Middle Ages, people grow up in the middle!
But I digress too much. Back to mathematics.
Suppose an intense diet + exercise regime begins. Reduce energy consumption and increase energy expenditure, a negative energy balance of ~ 100 to 200 calories per day could be achieved.
Let's put an optimistic 200 calories per day. Even then, it will take 200 x 50 days (almost two months - including 10 days off) to lose 10,000 calories, equal to 1 kg (2.2 pounds) of weight (fat) loss.
To lose 5 kg, it will take about 10 months. But it's optimism. The average person will have all kinds of fluctuations in the energy balance (binge eating, partying, diarrhea, etc ...). So something like a year could be more reasonable.
So next time you look at excess fat, remember it as a "laborious" term deposit and require a long period of constant effort to lose ... if only the money was similar to fat !
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