Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Book Review: Breaking Through, be healthy in mind, A 250 Pound Weight Loss Story

I recently completed two eBooks by this author: Breaking Bad Behavior Overstanding an abusive father, Breaking Point 1, and understanding of the event, create a vision and brace yourself, Overstanding Book 1. The author, Jason Criddle is a mixed breed product and broken home. His father, a black man severely beaten when he was young, and when Jason was nine years old, her father and her mother abandoned them white.

I was impressed by the author's writing style, and his frank openness about his childhood and knowledge about its eventual success. Therefore, only had to read this book too. But the main reason I looked reading this weight loss is especially personal journey that I have lived with obesity.

I was a slim young man, an active athlete in high school, and muscular - "lean and mean", while in the Marines. However, fifteen years ago, I realized that I had won 3-5 pounds. per year over the last twenty years. When I was in the Corps £ weighed 185. Since then, the high water mark for me was 308 pounds. I felt very bad, it hurts to sit down with the big belly in the way, and each of my joints hurt when I walked. So I looked regimes to bring me back to my ideal weight.

Slim Fast and other supplements to help. Atkins, liquid, and a number of other schemes did not help. I read a few books that helped a bit ... for books on quinoa, slush, health juices, food paleo diet, even hypnosis and self-affirmations, all have contributed. But I had to find something that was all-encompassing, something that has affected all aspects of life. I found on Breaking Through. Our author has presented us with a change in life, a life change and a new way of thinking. Not only the diet and in fact, this is not a diet book. This is to stay active, eat well at correct intervals, and think positive.

I am proud to say that I have lost 21 pounds, up to 287, about a pound or two on each of the last three months. It is, in fact, the best way to lose weight - slowly but steadily. If you tend to gain weight during the holidays and you need to start a healthier life, of course, is not the answer to everything, but it's certainly a start and an inspiring read!
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If the decision to lose Wazznk and taken attractive and stylish


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