Friday, December 12, 2014

Lots of water and eat carbohydrates were Secrets Revealed by professional athletes become larger Drinking

On your mark ... get set ... go! If you are training for competitive sports, or working for your own good health to grow or just for fun, what you eat and drink because it is part of their formula for sporting success. Good nutrition to grow larger can not substitute for the skill, effort, talent and personal motivation. But there is no doubt that what you eat and drink over time makes a difference when your goal is maximum performance or personal best to grow.

That physical activity competitive or recreational sport grow is higher additional requirements on your body. As an athlete, you use more energy, lose more body fluids, and put additional pressure on the muscles, joints and bones. Fortunately, the "training table" can increase your endurance and help prevent dehydration and injuries. More importantly, healthy eating helps you feel good and stay in general "mental edge" positive

To put in your best effort, you need the same nutrients than non-athletes use to grow: carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals and water. If you are very active, you may need a little more of some nutrients for growing higher and stronger bones.

What are the main differences in their nutritional needs? To compensate for fluid loss, athletes need more fluids to stay hydrated during high activity. And working muscles need more energy suppliers, especially carbohydrates nutrients.

Do you drink a lot of water without drinking? His physical endurance and strength depend on it!

When you are physically active, fluids lost in sweat evaporates from your skin. For inspiration, often largely exhaled moisture, too. An athlete can lose 150 pounds 1½ quarters, or three books and fluid in only one hour. This is equivalent to six 8-ounce glasses of water. With a heavy training, fluid loss may be greater. To avoid dehydration is necessary to replace the fluids you lose.

What are the fluids needed for optimal performance? What is the risk if you start physical activity even slightly dehydrated or loses too much fluid while active?

Even small losses of 1 percent of your body weight can affect your physical performance, especially during the summer. Losing more than 1 percent is a known injury. (That's about 2 or 3 pounds for a £ 150) Dehydration can affect your strength, endurance and aerobic capacity. How to promote fluid performance?

Taking vitamins or additional minerals to become bigger (beyond you Recommended Dietary Allowance) offers no additional benefit for sports performance?

Sports nutrition is full of misconceptions that many products are actually copies of the original and offer nothing more false vitamins all based on high performance upper unit. As an athlete, you are listening to fact or myth? For energy production and grow at the top of their abilities, fluids are part of a cycle of energy production. As part of blood, water helps to carry oxygen and glucose in muscle cells. There, oxygen and glucose is used to produce energy. Blood eliminates waste by-products such as muscle cells produce energy and pass into urine. Fluid loss decreased blood volume; your heart has to work harder to provide enough oxygen for the cells to grow.

To cool the system to take a bath after grow large exercise .. exercise generates heat as a by-product of energy production. The evaporation of sweat helps to cool. As you move your body, the overall temperature of the body rises, and you sweat. Evaporates the sweat, skin and blood just under the freshness of the skin. Cooler blood flowing through the body helps to protect against overheating. If you do not replace fluids lost through perspiration, the balance of body fluids is thrown off a major problem since the working muscles continue to generate more heat.

For the transport of nutrients to grow in the blood, the water is very useful! The water in the blood carries other nutrients for performance, including electrolytes, which help maintain the balance of body fluids. As cushion. The water around the tissues and organs of your body provides protection against all pushing and shaking that go along with exercise. Protection of dehydration. Fluid loss beyond the early stages of dehydration increases your chance of heat-related injuries, such as heat cramps, heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Severe dehydration can be fatal.

Whatever your sport is growing, running, biking, swimming, tennis, walking and even play golf or rigorous activity, drink plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration. Getting enough is not always easy. Bring a bottle of water in a bottle or belt containing fluids, especially if you do not have an available source of water. Or know where you can get fluids stores, water source, other; bring money. You rehydration after activity allows you to recover more quickly, both physically and mentally.

Drink early and often, but do not drink too much. Drink liquids on time (every fifteen minutes during activity), even when you are not thirsty. Your thirst mechanism can not send signals of thirst when you exercise to grow. Thirst is a symptom of dehydration; drink fluids before it happens. Wear loose clothing light wicks moisture, especially in hot weather. Note that the fabrics that retain heat, such as stockings, vests, heavy equipment and helmets and other protective equipment, will not allow sweat to evaporate.

Shift your weight of water. Weigh yourself before and after a heavy workout. Her naked weight is the best you can calculate if you really want to grow. Use the same clothes when you weigh your body. Replace each pound of weight lost with 3 cups of water, drink carbohydrates, or other fluid to bring your fluid balance back to normal. And plan to drink more before active training to grow the next time. If you weigh more after exercise, you drank too much during the activity; drink less during the year to grow the next time.

Make it a point to drink fluids at all times of the day, not just after training or competition. The amount of liquid is enough? Check the color of your urine. Dark-colored urine indicates dehydration. Drink plenty of fluids so that your urine is pale and almost colorless before exercise to grow larger again. Pay attention so intensely exercising in hot and humid weather. See how much warmer sitting on humid days. The sweat does not evaporate from the skin quickly, so do not get the cooling benefits. Therefore humid days it is easier to get hyperthermia, or overheating, as you exercise to grow. Hyperthermia can lead to heat stroke, which can be fatal!

Beware of over drinking, especially during intense exercise grow when the kidneys can not excrete the excess. Call hyponatremia or sodium levels in the blood abnormally low, more water moves up in the body cells, including brain cells. The additional pressure affects vital functions, with potentially fatal results.

What should drink before, during and after rigorous activity to grow? Try water, fruit juices, sports drinks and other beverages. For workouts under thirty minutes of continuous activity and recreational walking, sports drinks, juice and water are good choices for a healthy growing taller. For fluids substitutes for other sports, read on.

Cold water is a good choice. Contrary to popular myth, drink cold water during exercise does not cause stomach cramps for most athletes; stomach cramps can be caused by dehydration, not by drinking cold water. For outdoor activity in cold, clean water is hot or at room temperature to help protect against hypothermia, or low body temperature. Freshwater preferred by many athletes can improve performance.

For activities to grow more than an hour, try sports drinks. If you are a long distance runner or long cycling or participate in other endurance events (over ninety minutes), sports drinks may offer some performance advantages. New research shows an advantage for intensive activities growing up (maybe jogging or playing hockey) that lasts 30 minutes or more.

If caffeine can increase your physical performance? Maybe and maybe not. People react to caffeine in different ways. Caffeine does not stimulate the central nervous system, which can help you feel more alert and attentive. And it can improve performance.

For athletes of sensitive caffeine, caffeine can contribute to the prevention of anxiety and symptoms. Although caffeine may have a mild diuretic effect which can not last long, drink caffeine is recommended when rapid rehydration to grow more healthy is necessary, perhaps between the events of the tournament. This is also a problem in hot weather, and endurance athletes.

If you like coffee, tea or caffeinated sodas, experience in training, not competition. A single cup can help or at least not hinder performance. But avoid caffeine pills or more cups of caffeinated beverages. The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) limits the concentration of caffeine to no more than 15 micrograms per milliliter of urine. You probably will not get to that level of caffeine in food (the equivalent of seventeen soft drinks containing caffeine 12 oz). But athletes who consume three tablets of 200 mg of caffeine may exceed this limit. Since 2004, the International Olympic Committee no longer prohibits caffeine, but monitors the caffeine content in the urine instead.

If you are an endurance athlete, experiment with sports drinks and other liquids during training and competition from low profile. If the taste sports drinks encouraged to drink more fluids to grow in good condition or if you get a psychological boost so enjoy, but do not overdo it.

Alcoholic beverages may endanger not improve physical performance. Consider the reasons for jumping alcoholic beverages at least until after replace lost fluids in their training. For endurance athletes who try to grow another effect: When you drink a beer, wine or mixed drink, your liver works to detoxify and metabolize alcohol. This process can interfere with the work of the liver to form the extra blood glucose for prolonged physical activity. The possible result? Early fatigue.

Athletes: The only way to have enough energy for physical activities to grow is to consume enough energy. How much energy or calories you should consume per day? This is a very personal matter. A body of 200 pounds builder very different from a 80-pound athlete needs. A fitness program can use 500 to 3000 calories or more per day from a wide range.

The amount of energy sports depends in part on your body composition, body weight and level of fitness. Body size (consider a male football player and gymnast) also made a big difference. When two people ski with the same intensity, the person who weighs more likely to burn more calories.

Not surprisingly, some sports burn more energy than others. This is simply because they are more intense or lasts longer and can be very beneficial for people who are trying to grow. Both a game of golf and alpine skiing can take several hours. But skiing uses more energy because it is more physically demanding for large muscle groups.

The hardest, longest and most often you work, requires more energy to working muscles. Any activity to grow larger than biking, walking or swimming is a more energy burner if done more difficult.

Nutrition for the most growth experts advise athletes consume 5-10 grams of carbohydrates per day per kilogram of body weight according to their sport. For an athlete who weighs 120 pounds (55 kg) is 275-550 grams of carbohydrates; for a 175 pound (80 kg) athlete, which is from 400 to 800 grams of carbohydrates "". While 5-7 grams of carbohydrate per kilogram of body weight per day is good for general training, some athletes, endurance athletes, especially boys, need 7 to 10 grams per kilogram of body weight day. Some elite athletes may need more to grow with large thick and sexy muscles! (One pound is equivalent to 2.2 kg.)

To activate your muscles become larger training work trains, the stored energy is mainly glycogen in the muscles and liver, and blood sugar (or glucose in the blood). Glycogen is the storage form of carbohydrates your body. Depending on the intensity and duration of exercise, fat and endurance athletes, even a small amount of protein in the supply of energy, too.

With the high-carbohydrate diet plan training improves overall physical condition and provides a competitive advantage in the process of becoming larger. With "carbs" (no fat or protein) as the main fuel, can maintain rigorous activity to grow more. Carbohydrates are broken down during digestion and sugar in the blood change, or glucose. A little sugar in the blood, which is distributed in the blood, is used immediately for energy. The rest is stored as muscle and liver glycogen or converted into fat in case of excess calorie consumption. The more muscle glycogen can store, the more you have to feed the physical activities to grow.

"Carbohydrates" are the best source of energy for an athlete to grow. (Eat enough each day to keep their stores of muscle and liver glycogen above.) Both starches and sugars supply and replenish muscle glycogen.

What foods contain carbohydrates to grow? Starches derived from cereals, bread, rice, pasta, vegetables and legumes (beans and peas). (Natural and added sugars form) are present in fruits, fruit juices, milk, biscuits, cakes, sweets and soft drinks, among other foods.

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