Monday, December 22, 2014

Nutrition Weight Loss - The Link Between Insulin and Behavior

Many do not realize that food has something to do with things like criminal behavior, poor school performance, and even Alzheimer's disease. This is mainly additives in foods and consumption of unhealthy processed foods are to blame. Experts know that leads to healthy nutrition weight loss failure and obesity, but it is increasingly clear that the behavior is directly related to food.

One culprit is the sugar content in foods. Triggers the insulin level in the body, which often exceeds the system, leading to hypoglycemia. Arrival hypoglycemic, your brain secretes glutamate molecule that causes depression, anxiety, panic, suicidal tendencies and bustle. While glutamate is a normal neurological messenger excess, it can cause problems such as above.

What many do not know is that glutamate is the same as monosodium glutamate or MSG is in many foods we eat every day. Even those who practice weight loss nutrition MSG find that persists even in the safest food. It is found in sweet foods to improve the sweet taste and is associated with the development of Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease and ALS, or Lou Gehrig's disease.

It is believed that between 15 and 20% of Americans suffer from hypoglycemia. In children, presented as hyperactivity. In adults and children, you can see the aggressive and / or violent when a person is hypoglycemic. The confusion is as hypoglycemic, contribute to the onset of Alzheimer's disease.

In people who have trouble losing weight nutrition you need to know that MSG is hidden in many foods and labeling falls under the pseudonyms of natural flavors, hydrolyzed corn protein and textured. Alcohol acts exactly like sugar when it is consumed by the body. Cause a lot of hypoglycemia after a brief rise in blood sugar and many end up drinking more alcohol to compensate for hypoglycemia.

It was found in a study that up to 97 percent of alcoholics are also found to be hypoglycemic. When these people were treated to changes in nutrition, such as weight loss nutrition, up to 70% became completely sober. This is compared with a 25% rate of success with other programs more alcohol.

Another food additive in food is aspartame. Also leads to hypoglycemia, acting as MSG in the body. Say you are trying to lose weight and nutrition food diet foods containing aspartame in them. Imagine the amount of hypoglycemia is caused by all sugar-free foods you eat. Hypoglycemia draws hungry for snacks and sandwiches all day, eat more than expected.

Even real sugar has its problems. Just drink a diet soda caused children to reduce the test stores, says a study. Children, in fact, make mistakes as they did twice before drinking soda. His behavior was poor and increased aggression and violent behavior.

So there is a scheme that is safe for people to eat? Such a regime would be high in lean meats and fish, fresh vegetables and fruits. Fish oil is also useful in this type of diet. You should avoid all processed foods to avoid MSG in many of them. This includes flavored chips, many kinds of canned tuna, anything that comes in a box and foods that are already frozen and prepared for you.

There are some scientists who are lobbying national to have better criteria for food labeling that the dangers of low blood sugar in the diet is reduced servants but efforts are hampered by the fact that no federal incentive to prevent disease happen.

If you are looking to lose weight and nutrition want to start your own natural weight loss program, download the free version of "An Expert Guide to Weight Loss - Red Hot 7 Secrets to turbo charge your metabolism and increase their loss weight "by clicking on the link below.

FREE access to  "Experts Guide to Weight Loss - 7 Secrets To Red Hot turbocharge your metabolism and increase your weight loss." Learn the seven secrets to increase your weight loss.

Frustrated by the confusion in the market for weight loss, through his research, Dr. Bill has developed a weight loss program based on the laws of human physiology.



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