Monday, December 29, 2014

Top 5 Secrets of Weight Loss Success Stories

If you simply Google on the Web site of the success stories of weight loss, hundreds of thousands of articles on the subject will find. However, most of these articles focus primarily on food-related tips, nutrition, diet, exercise and physical activity. Although these diet secrets and fitness tips are very important, we must not underestimate the importance of a "mental" aspect "psychological" or a successful day diet and fitness. The following article aims to highlight five of these secrets that represent the "psychological" aspect of most cases of successful weight loss.

1- Never compare

One of the easiest changes you can do right now, advises Dr. Gannon, is to recognize that this is the way, not someone else. Do not let the successes of others who intimidate or make you jealous. Everyone has a different way and its own set of obstacles and challenges. If we stick to the plan now Best Body and focus on improving your life, the incredible change happen for you, too.

The addition of a single activity that you find uplifting or inspirational can make you happy every day.

2- Do you remember when you were happiest

When thinking about the time when I was happy and satisfied, you can find the key to improve current levels of happiness. Do you need to spend more time with their friends and loved ones? Need more quiet or outlets for their creativity? Are you inspired when you learn or explore? Are you strong when you feel strong and healthy? Do you feel more energetic and positive about the days when you are well rested? Do you have enough fun in your life now? Romance? Laughter? Identify what is missing in your life now, says Dr. Gannon, and add it to your routine. The addition of a single activity that you find uplifting or inspiring, like a bath at night on a Sunday or a family home evening activity can make you happier every day. If you have trouble identifying what makes you happy, so remember when you do, it takes you completely out of the current situation of the here and now.

3- Set manageable goals

Break your goals into manageable steps very specific baby to make them less intimidating and more feasible. For example, instead of trying to "drink more water," an attempt to focus on action to fill your water bottle twice daily. More sleep in the bed 30 minutes earlier each night. Get more exercise by programming a day hike with a friend once a week. Reading a novel than a month to get your creativity. Take continuing education courses to challenge your mind. Make a date with your spouse once a month. Dr. Gannon recommend starting with one or two small changes like these because these achievements inspired to do even more positive changes in your life. Another strategy that works? Be realistic about your goals and framework that "I will be happy and safe one step at a time."

4. Prioritize your priorities

It is common for many women believe that to be a good wife, mother, employee or friend who was to be sacrificed. But the truth is that the strategy does not work. To take care of others, you must first focus on yourself; This is a clear indicator of emotional health. From now on, give yourself permission to become a priority in your life for a change. In feed you, you will become a better partner, mother, friend, worker and more; guaranteed.

5. Track your progress

Noting the positive changes you make in your life; or by sharing with your loved ones or write will help ensure your success. If you are an extrovert; You are sociable and get the energy to be with others in shares of its progress in a group exercise class or online support. Why? Because many extroverts feel their success just "tell" when it is shared with others. However, if you are more introverted, energy is derived to be alone, to take notes in a newspaper or use the idle time for self-reflection. The documentation process your progress works because it makes you feel more responsible with their objectives, increasing your chances of success.

If carefully and properly follow the above secrets, it is likely that his story could be included in the

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