Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Best diets and weight loss

Best diets and weight loss
 there are hundreds of diets to choose from but which are the best weight loss diets or should I say the most effective in achieving weight loss? After all, that is the objective and in this article my aim is to highlight the differences between five of the best weight loss diets around.

Flexitarian Diet

Flexitarian is a flexible but balanced diet that is mostly vegetarian but it allows you to eat meat very occasionally. Tests have shown that Flexitarians weigh 15% less than all consuming meat eaters. After reading this why not search for Flexitarian recipes yourself because they are delicious and include whole grains, vegetables and fruit so only whole foods in their natural state are used; none of that processed rubbish! The recipes also include eggs, tofu, beans, lentils, peas, seeds, nuts and more. Now as most of the recipes use plant-based foods, no wonder why fewer calories are consumed and why weight loss on this diet has been so successful.

Do you drink plenty of water without over drinking? Your physical endurance and strength depend on it!

When you're physically active, you lose fluids as sweat evaporates from your skin. As you breathe, often heavily, you exhale moisture, too. A 150-pound athlete can lose 1½ quarts, or 3 pounds, of fluid in just one hour. That equals six 8-ounce glasses of water. With heavy training, fluid loss can be higher. To avoid dehydration you need to replace the fluids you lose.

Mediterranean Diet

It sounds healthy and it is because it claims to be the best diet for helping prevent heart disease. It also helps lower blood pressure and cholesterol. For those of you on a low-sodium diet, this is suitable for you because food is flavoured with plenty of herbs and spices. Mainly plant-based using fruit, vegetables, whole-grains, nuts, beans, fish, occasionally meat and dairy and of course olive oil and not forgetting the red wine; it offers a wide range of foods to enjoy.

Atkins Diet

 by eating meat and dairy instead of carbohydrates like starchy potatoes, bread, pasta, and sweet things your body uses your fat stores for fuel resulting in your body burning fat. This in turn releases a by-product called ketones that give you energy.

It would appear that in the first phase of the diet no more than 20 grams of carbs are permitted per day and they come mostly from specified vegetables. Protein from fish, poultry, red meat, eggs, butter and vegetable oils are allowed but no pasta, bread, grains, starchy vegetables, fruit, or dairy - butter, cheese and cream being the exception. Nor is caffeine or alcohol allowed. In the next phase as part of this weight loss plan, more vegetables etc are introduced. It does seem rather complex but studies have shown that low-carb diets are as effective for weight loss as traditional methods and can improve cholesterol levels.

From my pick of the best weight loss diets I hope you will find one that is of interest and beneficial to you.



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