Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Sex after weight loss surgery - When is it OK?

People recovering from bariatric surgery for the treatment of morbid obesity often expect a healthy sex life, they can be appointed by the disease associated with obesity or only the mechanics of sexual activity with a body morbidly obese. Surgeons often asked how long a patient will be able to enjoy sexual intimacy after bariatric surgery.

Bariatric surgery, although less invasive than 20 years, is still considered major abdominal surgery. The most commonly performed procedures including gastric bypass (gastric ring), adjustable gastric bands, and gastric sleeve, are made using the method of the advanced laparoscopic surgery. Laparoscopic gastric surgery to reduce the risk to patients and reduce hospital stays in the traditional methods of open surgery. This improves the surgical recovery. Minimally invasive laparoscopic procedures are performed by cameras insertion instruments by surgeons and the small incision in the abdomen ports. Although there is a large wound that needs healing, there are unseen internal injuries take time to heal.

Most doctors advise their patients to avoid sexual activity during the first weeks after surgery. The physical stress of surgery can break or tear incisions and sutures extend healing. Patients should ask their doctor when it is convenient to perform sexual activity after surgery. It is logical to think of sex as a form of exercise: If your doctor clears physical activity is also likely safe for sexual activity.

Women who have recently undergone bariatric surgery are invited to enjoy a reliable form of birth control, even if they were unable to conceive in the recent past. Stage of pregnancy during the rapid weight loss is undesirable because the mother and the fetus is subjected nutritional deficiencies. Most bariatric centers advise female patients to wait for weight loss has stabilized before trying to get pregnant.

Patients are likely to proceed cautiously engaged in sexual intimacy after major surgery. While the focus should be on enjoying the moment with your partner is wise to be aware of your body and listen to any alarm signal can be sent. Symptoms such as pain, shortness of breath, fatigue, dizziness or warnings to stop what you are doing, if you are a man or a woman. The pain can be attributed to angina, which is pain or pressure in the chest temporarily when the heart does not receive enough oxygen. If this is the case for change position or take a moment to rest may be beneficial. Prolonged or severe pain should not be ignored and medical care should be sought immediately.

Sex is obviously part of an overall healthy life and something most people expect that you get a major disease, including morbid obesity. As you lose weight, it is likely that sexual activity and desire for sexual activity will increase. Initially, an active sex life is a declaration of good health: say positive things about your overall level of fitness and recovery from morbid obesity. It can also be a sign of healthy relationships, another good measure of overall health.

Patients should always consult with their doctor about sexual health. Sexual issues are important to discuss, even if such a discussion test our level of comfort when we bring our concerns to our doctor. Please note that your doctor is in the business of taking care of their health and that includes a sexual being; You can not surprise your doctor to express their most personal concerns about their sexual health.

They say that weight loss surgery is our second chance in life and agree that a healthy sex life brings satisfactory for our continued pursuit of health and wellness component. Have realistic expectations for recovery is the first step in creating a healthy sex life after weight loss surgery.

Kaye Bailey (c) 2010 - All rights reserved

Kaye Bailey is a writer defender surgery, speaker and internationally recognized weight loss. She is the author of the highly successful weight loss surgery to the basic plan: Day 5 Test bag and owner of five-day trial balloon Manual. His logbook, Day 6: Beyond the waterproof bags five days, was released in December 2009. It provides guidelines for long-term weight and health management to all bariatric surgery procedures. Ms. Bailey is known for his powerful form "can do" and belief in the power of personal responsibility. She is the founder of LivingAfterWLS, and websites of the company LLC 5daypouchtest.com LivingAfterWLS.com mother. Support for both sites is the Barrio

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