Tuesday, January 20, 2015

The Best Weight Loss Program

The best weight loss program is probably not about diets, diet pills, fad diets, or even on the diet! If there is a physical activity ... we're all adults here, I'll use the word..exercise ... Do not try to push their physical limits, ashamed before the neighbors to join an expensive gym room, or L hiring a personal trainer. This is not to join a cult, avoiding friends, alienating your family, eating food guilty and depressed only unsightly and unappetizing or felt. Above all, it should never be alone in their struggle.


Simply put, the best weight loss program is that you will stick with. Let's change that a bit and say that it is a healthy, doable, rational, flexible program will remain firm ... it works!

Basic data on diet and weight loss!

Diets do not work. Yep! It's as simple as that. Oh, if you want to lose 5 or 10 pounds to look good at the wedding of her sister, fast food can be good. But if you really have a weight problem, since over 50% of Americans, is a chronic disease and requires action to life. However, it is not considered to be doomed to a life without pleasure or happiness, and not give up. Reread the first paragraph and realize that there are things you can do and you can do. However, in the meantime, let me cover some facts. Quick and dirty. You can search through them and just the basics. This article will not be big enough, nor intimidating enough to include everything.

Why diets do not work.

Diets do not work for a lot of reasons, physical and mental, but I have not enough space here to cover all of them. The main reason for the operation of a system is not that your body really effective self-regulation. If you deprive his caloric intake is planned for a period of time, adjusted to need fewer calories. While you eat less (and certainly not enjoy it), your body will settle into a new pattern and your weight will stabilize with only a small weight loss. Worse, when you stop dieting, you know what you want, the body will keep its new level of calorie need while you return to your old eating habits. This brings us to another point.

BIO weight loss and weight gain LAW.

The body of everyone works at their own pace and needs, but all follow the same law. If you eat more calories than your body needs, you will store the excess as fat. Briefly. Reality. End of discussion ... almost. Use of the information in the paragraph above, you can see that when you leave your diet and eat again as before after your body has adjusted downward its needs, now has excess calories to be stored as fat! This is why people often gain weight after a diet ... or a series of plans.


As you can see, you are back at the beginning of this discussion, but with a little more information. We can still say that the best weight loss program is that you stay with, and now we know a little more about the reasons. Since we are all different, the fact should be obvious that you need to find is not the best weight loss program, but the best weight loss program ... you stay with. The big question on your mind is ...

How to find "your" Program better weight loss?

There are many things you can do to improve your health, your life and your personal circumstances of weight, such as drinking more water, sleep well, do things you like, for example. All this can contribute to weight loss, but we will see two things at the moment.

1. Become more active: Notice, I avoided saying, "exercise". Oops! I said. Look, the year is equal to the activity. If you want to make Richard Simmons tapes and "Sweat Oldies", more power to you. If you decide to purchase a Bowflex and in a few months like the grandmother in their TV commercials, it's great! Chances are, however, just make some lifestyle adjustments and be more aware of the opportunities that exist to "exercise" in everyday life. Exercise Oh sure, a planned and programmed is great, but it's a walk, or gardening, or swimming, or cleaning the house, or ... well, you get the idea. The only need is to do it regularly, at least four or five times a week, and make it difficult.

You can assess what is difficult. What is a challenge today is perhaps just walking to the mailbox and back. A lady started her "exercise program" with this simple step (no pun intended). Another gentleman started walking program until the end of your block. That first day, he thought it would not even be able to go home. A few weeks later, he walked more than a mile. At one point in my life, I met regularly over 6 mph. However, the first time I tried to run, I do not have half a block. The key is to begin regularly, and challenge.

Be more active not only burns calories during the activity (remember, the more calories you burn less fat stored), but the continuation of the activity over time (you were going to do regularly) causes your body to move to a new level which automatically burns more calories than usual. The facts behind this are not complicated but require much more space than we have here, and I said that I would continue to basics.

People leave "exercise programs" for many reasons. For your purposes, do activity as it fits your schedule, choose the activity you like, and vary the activity ... if you clean the house yesterday, a walk today. by the way, if I told you exercise, take a walk, you can begin the process of avoidance makes people leave the formal planning and exercise programs. Why do not you take the grandkids to the zoo instead? If it's not a workout, I do not know what is. be creative. It is your "exercise program", which is what you want it to be.

2. You eat sensibly: You know how to eat, of course! Back to basics. Many vegetables, reduce portion sizes have an apple instead of cake or a chocolate bar. Take the sugar out of your life. There are all kinds of tips for slimming running. Not one of them is worth a hill of beans ... but many of them are in addition to much more than a hill of beans. Change one thing probably will not make a big difference, but ... makes the difference! Seventeen things change could make a big difference, but it's a secret ...

Do not try to make all seventeen, or twelve, or thirty changes at a time. Start with a change, and once it is part of your life, do the following. You can learn more about Kaizen. Small steps in the field of nutrition with get you where you want to go with time, like taking the short walk to the mailbox can lead one day to walk a mile or two at a time.

How long have to stay in this PROGRAM WEIGHT LOSS?

Well, for the rest of his life. This is why it is important to choose activities that you enjoy and learn to make better nutritional choices while still enjoying the pleasure of eating. In addition, many people have trouble losing weight because they have personal problems with life. His personal weight loss program, the more normal activity nutritional sense, is equivalent to a sense of control over a situation that produces many negative effects on your life. A sense of control over the situation allows you to remove many of the negative effects and passes rearrange other parts of your life that may need attention.

One last point. I kept as simple as possible, but is based on a wealth of information. If you really want to create more effective for you weight loss program, you will learn a lot more than you probably know by now. The public library is a good place to start, as is the Internet. Note, however, that many people are trying to seduce with diet pills and lose weight fast diets. Stay focused on a lifestyle change that will last a lifetime. While diet pills, fad diets, and things like weight loss or exercise devices supposedly belts to do the work, its effect is short (and sometimes dangerous) and, as noted above, a once you quit the pill or a program, you can get even more weight than you lost.

One last tip:

Find a weight loss buddy. Share your goals, and the information in this article with them. Make sure they are on the same wavelength. You can walk with them, you can shop with them, but especially if nobody understands what's going on ... it goes, and that is worth more than gold.

To learn how to start sculpting your body into something your proud of visit the Weight Loss Instructor



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