Sunday, January 18, 2015

Running to Lose Weight - How I Lost 58 Pounds After Pregnancy

Running to lose weight is a great way to lose those extra pounds after having your baby. There are many advantages to perform your exercise to lose belly fat fast. Here are five benefits to help manage the door.

1. Easy

It's super easy to put on your shoes and walk out the door for a jog. Not need a gym membership, personal trainer, or fancy equipment.

I used to run on the treadmill at my local gym. Here I was paying $ 30 a month to run on a piece of equipment when I could do away for free!

The good thing about the race is what they do in their own terms. You can jog slowly or you can run for a career. You can even run in favor of a local charity, such as breast cancer. There are many reasons to run for, you get to choose.

2. burn calories

Running is a great cardiovascular activity. Its rapid metabolism to burn calories sets. Also, if you instead of walking to burn up to 30% more calories than going to a faster intensity.

Run more possible to increase the number of calories you burn, like increasing intensity. One day you could run for an hour, and the next day you could sprint for 25 minutes. Both types of race are great options to burn more fat.

3. Appetite

Did you know that running is an appetite suppressant? Forget those expensive diet pills to try to curb your appetite. Just go out and run!

When you run, your body temperature will rise. It's getting hot and sweat. This condition suppresses appetite.

In addition, when running, your body needs a good source of fuel to keep up. So you become more aware of what foods you eat. You start eating more complex carbohydrates. The leanest forms of protein consumed. Stay away from the junk that slows you down.

4. Runner ... the statutory rate

Riders get a high when running. It is due to the release of endorphins in the body that help to offset the pain that may be associated with long runs.

I would get this high after my long runs while I was training for a marathon. I feel very happy and excited after a good 10.8 miles. It sounds crazy, but once you experience, the feeling may have to take more and more.

5. The energy levels have increased

Exercise gives you more energy. I know this seems contrary. How can you use energy will give you more energy?

Research has shown that exercise helps to increase your energy level. It can also help you if you are easily tired.

When I run, I feel like stress has been lifted off of me. I feel calm and peaceful. This is a great way to release tension. And when I go in the morning, I feel that I have proposed for a great day because I have in my exercise first thing. This is a great way to start the day.


So after you're comfortable with brisk walking, trying to run. Go easy on yourself. I recommend starting slowly. For one week, try running for just five minutes a day. Run the pace where you can talk without gasping for air.

Every week, try adding 1-2 minutes. Before you know it, you're ready for your first 5k! Rest for injury and see a doctor for any condition.

I also recommend going to a store to get special shoes in size and equipped with a shoe designed for the style of racing.

It jogging for weight loss has worked for me. I managed to lose more weight I gained during my pregnancy. £ 58 to be exact. I gained 54 pounds with my first pregnancy.

See if the race can help you lose weight during pregnancy. Who knows, you may just get addicted to it. At least it is a legal addiction!

To learn how to start sculpting your body into something your proud of visit the Weight Loss Instructor



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