Saturday, January 17, 2015

How to Deal With Sugar Cravings and Lose Weight

If you are in the habit of eating sweets, then stops abruptly, chances are that you will suffer sugar withdrawal. This problem is very similar to the withdrawal of the cigarette. You can address this problem in two ways.

Approach 1 (complete removal)

Desire will start to decrease after the first week or two, like most of the withdrawal symptoms. To succeed, you must not view or access sweets for the first weeks. Ask your family to help keep sweets out of sight.

Once you get through the first few weeks, the desire to not be as strong. However, the first days are not fun. Like war, you have to be psychologically prepared for battle. No pills or herbs cut success will. Once you get past the first few days, the battle becomes easier.

The only problem with this approach is that often people go immediately to eat a lot of sugary foods in the months of quitting. I suggest the following approach.

Approach 2 (moderate)

The good news is that you do not have to give up sugar for the weight loss. Moderation is the key to deal with sugar cravings. Few people are able to completely eliminate sugar and sugary sweets from your diet. In a perfect world, eliminating sugar would be better because sugar is high in calories and nutrients effect. Unfortunately, sugar is in almost everything we eat. Completely eliminated from our diet is almost impossible.

My favorite way to deal with me a little sugar is sweet light before or after dinner. You can eat half a cup of low fat ice cream for a snack. This treatment amounts to 120 to 140 calories. My favorite food is sugar calorie much of Jell-O with 2 tablespoons light Cool Whip. This treatment is 30 calories and great taste. You satisfy your sugar craving without inhaling a load of calories. If you prefer not to use Splenda and Nutrasweet then use regular gelatin with light whipped cream for a total of 90 calories. Whip the cream Jell-O light gives a rich flavor, but has only 20 calories per serving.

Another great gift is a slice of seedless watermelon. A piece of melon slices fills, sweet taste and amounted to a little over 120 calories. You can eat a cup of seedless watermelon slices (50 calories) of sugar Jell-O and whipped light cream for a total of 80 calories. A piece of toast has more calories than this great gift tasting.

Try cutting a whole melon into small pieces and put them in a plastic container. Content Store in the refrigerator and use for dessert or snack. A cup of sliced melon is nutritious and contains only 50 calories. Allow a cup of melon slices or half a cup of low fat ice helps to control portions and calories as well.
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