Sunday, January 18, 2015

5 Fast Weight Loss Tips After Pregnancy

These tips to lose weight fast 5 will help you overcome your battle with weight after pregnancy. They are designed to easily integrate into your daily life. What exactly you need. Have a newborn who has 24/7 careful!

1. Weight loss foods

My main advice would be to focus on what foods you eat. It is much easier to control the amount of calories you consume, try and exercise calories away. Their diet is 75% of the equation to lose pregnancy weight you want.

Focus on eating healthy foods, alias, not the aisles of the grocery store are not processed. Therefore, no processed foods like chips, cookies and fake food that tries to look like real food.

When you eat mostly fruits, vegetables, grains, beans and legumes, which have not been processed or altered with chemicals and additives that eat pure, whole foods. The food is nutritionally better for your body. He also knows better!

2. Exercise to burn fat

Exercise is the next component (of course) tips to lose weight fast. Of course, you can simply change your diet and lose weight, but exercise will help you lose weight faster! And who does not want that?

To do any kind of exercise you like. Thus, it is more likely to stick to it.

If you do a bootcamp because his colleague has achieved excellent results, great. But if you do not like this type of exercise, you will be one of the first to give up.

I tried P90X, and although it did not work, I have not had the perseverance to continue the maintenance program. I stopped after 90 days and the weight came back slowly.

What I do love is walking and running, and my neighbors can tell you that I love too! Is it because they see me walk and run 5-6 days a week.

With exercise you enjoy doing, you will lose belly fat fast and keep it in the long term.

3. slow and steady wins the race

It's easy to get caught up in the hype of losing a ton of weight at the same time. But it does not work that way.

You work to lose weight and keep it for the rest of his life. Not only for the next 90 days.

So you give the best chance of success by realistic, though complicated goals. For example, the plan lose four pounds in a month. Or, if you want a bigger challenge, losing 8 pounds in a month.

Build your success from there. Once you know you can do, the rest will be easier as time goes on.

4. Your 30 Day Challenge

Once you've lost your 4 or 8 pounds in a month, set another monthly goal. It's great to set monthly goals because you experience a delay occurs.

Next month, then continue with your next weight loss of 8.4 pounds and add one more thing. What about replacing a white starch like white rice with green vegetables?

Every day you'll eat a green vegetable in place of the usual starch you eat. Always build on its achievements, and the weight will fall. It did for me.

5. Keep doing what works

Sometimes I get caught doing something wrong. It took me 20 years to finally realize that what mattered was to eat more than exercise.

I have always been athletic growth. I run, play tennis, and I was in the band. I was thin enough in my teens. But then hit my twenties, and won my first 15 in college.

My weight up and down. Then I got married, and I won my 15. I keep newlyweds the year, but I keep eating junk.

Well, I started to eat more food to lose weight, and began to lose weight much easier. I thought, "Well, what works, maybe you should spend?"

And now, I have lost a total of 58 pounds after my first pregnancy. And I lost most of changing my eating habits, eating more nutrient dense foods.
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