Friday, December 19, 2014

The main reasons for the unwanted body fat

Have you ever wondered why some people gain unwanted body fat easily, and have difficulty losing it? In this article I will explain the main reasons why this happens, and after reading this, it will be much easier for you to create permanent fat loss.

Well, in my experience, the # 1 reason why some people easily gain unwanted body fat is born with a slow metabolism and their bodies do not need that many calories to maintain your current weight!

The second most important reason is of course that most people consume more calories than your body can actually burn during the day! It is a fact that most excess calories - at the end of the day will be stored in fat cells that unwanted body fat!

And the third and final reason for the increase in unwanted body fat is that most people with a slow metabolism do not use enough physical activity to help your body burn excess calories are the consequences of the first two reasons!

If you were born with a dominant endomorph body types and have a naturally slow metabolism, keeping an eye on your daily intake of calories is probably the most important step you can take towards creating a lean and healthy body!

The reason is simple: when the body considered to have excess calories in hand, but simply converted into body fat, that gets drawn into fat cells. Besides this, your body fat body regarded as a source of energy "long-term" and does not free - as easily as you save!

Only 3,500 excess calories necessary to create a new body fat book. If you take in only 500 calories per day, then you win a pound of body fat per week.

Delicious, high-calorie food is everywhere, and it is easy to consume 500 calories by eating only two chocolate bars, you can see that the increase in unwanted body weight over a long period of time can be very, very easy. And if you're born with a slow metabolism, and your body does not naturally burn more of these questions, then you'll gain pounds of unwanted body fat quickly - if you do not mind the daily calorie intake of foods and beverages you eat!

For most people who have a hard time losing unwanted body fat is naturally slow metabolism, eat more than your body can actually be burned during the day, and a sedentary lifestyle, stopping you to reach and maintain your ideal weight!

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