Friday, December 19, 2014

Women Workouts at Home For Faster Fat Loss and Body Sculpting Results

It is quite possible for women to exercise at home and get amazing results in a short time. Get ready, because the following statement may shock you: you do not need any equipment, apparatus, miracle pills or powders or something, but the loss of body weight and get the body sculpting results of fat fast.

To transform your body in no time, you do not need any equipment that is advertised on TV - this goes for all ab machines ever created, and devices that promise to "tone your buns."

In house training women need to do to accelerate fat loss results bodyweight exercises revolve around large, compounds that use a lot of muscle at a time. Not only burns a ton of calories while performing these exercises, but also to burn fat and calories for up to 36 hours after the workout is over.

That's why these exercises are so effective - long slow cardio could never be successful these bodyweight exercises can.

Here is a brief list of some of the most effective bodyweight exercises to burn fat and sculpt lean muscle, sexy:

Legs and lower body

-Squats (Sumo, close stance, SIFF, Hindu, etc.)

-Lunges (Side, walking, reverse, crossover, etc.)

-jump Squats / slots

Split Squats -Bulgarian

-A Romanian Dead Leg

-Box jumps

-Step ups

-A Leg Squats

Chest, shoulders and triceps

-push Ups (close grip, walking, Hindus, staggered, Spiderman, locusts, etc.)


Pushups -Handstand (Intermediate variations)

walks -Wheelbarrow

Back and Biceps

-Inverted Rows (an arm, palm up, neutral, etc.)

Ups -Chin / assisted pull ups

traces -Bear

Ab / Core Exercises

to inches

They like crunches

-Planks (Lado, three points, etc.)

-Space climbers

Total Body / various exercises

-Burpees (Advanced)

-Squat axes

traces -Bear

walks -Crab


These exercises will give you loss and body toning results fatter than any machine or cardio equipment could do it!

With the use of the best bodyweight exercises, women must also make circuits. To make a circuit that simply will perform a set of each exercise before repeating the first new year. It's a great way to spend less time working and getting results, and why to use circuits exclusively with all my clients who exercise at home.

The use of these two important tips (using the best bodyweight exercises and performing circuits), here is a great workout in the sample:

Note: an exercise in each of the categories listed above will be included in the training

Women workout at home

-Crossover Slots x 12 each leg

Pushups x 12 -Grasshopper

Row -Inverted x 12

X 6 inch worm

X 12 -Burpees

Perform each exercise back to back. The best way to do this training is to set a timer for 15-30 minutes to complete as many circuits as possible in this time period.

The next time you repeat that training, fuller at the same time and / or increase the number of repetitions for each exercise circuits.

Nia Shanks is the exercise of the house specialty. For better performance of the house, drives and video demonstrations of the exercises in this article, subscribe to the secrets of training Home Free Mini-golf



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