Sunday, January 11, 2015

Diets and Weight Loss - Is It All a Con and What Can We Do?

What do we do after Christmas and before a holiday or before a wedding or because our favorite celebrity tell you?


Which, the choice is endless; Paleo, Atkins, Slimming World, Weight Watchers, Dukan, 5: 2, South Beach, Zone etc. etc. etc. All these systems claim to have the secret to weight loss, many stories and pseudo-science (and apparently happiness?) to back. Most of us are not so naive as to expect to have our best interests at heart and in fact the food industry is big business. A recent report estimated at US $ 586.3 billion (1). Before examining cough more money for these large companies, we will examine some of the evidence on diet.

They do not work. It would be what the academic literature tell us anyway. It has been known for many years that people who diet more, gain more weight during their lives. You will literally better without worrying about the former. Of course, we all have a friend who lost a lot of weight and kept it by using one of the mentioned regimes, but they are the exception, not the rule. A recent study entitled "Is fat diet? A study on twins twins found that the diet, gain more weight over 25 years than those who did not. Nongenetic are dieting.

How on earth can this be? The plans are there to help us lose weight and keep winning. To explain this paradox, we have to travel back in time to our hunter-gatherer ancestors. Unlike today, food was scarce for most of human history and the life was "feast and famine" constant. How long starvation? We did not know and, therefore, those of that we could keep our energy better survive and those of us who burned all be off.

It is beneficial evolutionary have a slow metabolism. This is especially true in times of famine. Most modern diets restrict calories to help you lose weight. The body will effectively see what starvation and begin to grasp what is popularly known as "starvation mode". This will not happen immediately, but in the weeks and the months of calorie restriction body will find ways to burn less energy. Indeed all the metabolic processes that keep us alive (breathing, digestion, etc.) are converted more effective. Require fewer calories (3). Also your body will make you move less without even knowing it! Ideal for keeping a man living hungry caves, a nightmare for dieters 21st century.

Therefore, the typical diet is going on a diet, lose weight and reduce your metabolic rate down, return to its "normal" way of eating, put the weight back (and usually a bit more) and the cycle continue. Moreover, it's perfect for the food industry! Whenever it comes to food, is to put on weight and you have to go back! They have the perfect business model at the expense of their own health and banking. So, this seems a little pain and sadness. Diets are only make you fatter and richer big companies. What can we do? You probably already know the answer. The answer lies in the paradox discussed above. Work patterns "in the short term, a significant amount of weight at first (often a lot of water instead of fat), what makes you think that the work is lost. If" weight lost did last time, "but are now greater than it would be, so do not come back! There are very likely diet contributed to his weight gain.

If you can not keep or not love, do not. If you hate the gym (make sure to explore different forms of training in first, persevering absurd treadmill is not what I mean here) then do not go. If you do not like broccoli, do not eat. You have to build habits that cause positive change and can hold.

Progress can (should) be slower, but if she stays healthy and keeps the weight forever, then it is ten times more. From my personal experience with hundreds of clients usually found cases of the most successful weight loss have a slightly faster rate of loss to start (3-5lb for the first week or two) but tend to settle on a loss 1-2lb per week. I've never seen someone lose every week for 10 weeks + and maintain weight, you have the odd week when the weight stays the same or goes up a pound or two. While the general trend is down and your life is miserable because of it, he is doing well.

I can not tell you exactly what to do here, I would have to see your diet in recent history, daily routines, likes, dislikes, etc., but I'll give you some general advice that the pieces most of us can apply some way to help stay (or become) a lean, healthy and happy.

- Increasing, especially fruits and vegetables. 5 rooms per day is an absolute minimum. It has been shown to reduce the risk of many diseases (4). Low in calories and rich in trace elements that must be present at every meal. Please Weight loss more fruits vegetables are higher in sugar (not as high as the sweet spirit!).

- Avoid processed foods as much as possible. Only food ingredient will be the most satiating, will have the least effect on blood sugar and are difficult to overeat. If more than 20% of their diet consists of processed foods (comes in a box / shell), then this can be improved!

- Increase protein intake. The protein is very filling, requires a lot of calories to be digested and has been identified as a key component of many diets to lose weight (5).

- Take your weight in kg, 25 kg, which is 1 liter of water per day. If it is hot or you are exercising, you may need a liter above that! Sometimes confuse thirst for hunger which leads to unnecessary eating in excess. Also your body (- adipose tissue) is 73% water - water that you are!

- You eat what you like. Of course, this should be within reason, but try to find foods that meet the above criteria and you love to eat, this is the only path to long-term success.

The ideal answer is to never let the dramatic weight gain occurs first, but of course you can not go back. The "modern western diet" does not correspond to our genetic makeup and business booming food industry and food are constantly persuaded to make bad decisions that lead many of us "sleepwalking obesity. "

We must be aware and sometimes a little disciplined, but they now want is a slippery slope. Sometimes patience is a virtue. Focus on the journey, not the destination and fate is inevitable ..

To learn how to start sculpting your body into something your proud of visit the Weight Loss Instructor



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