Tuesday, December 23, 2014

How Many Different Diets Have You Read About?

In all likelihood, the answer to the above question is something along the lines of "too numerous to count."

Like many people, you could read an infinite amount of detail:
• Counting calorie diets
• Diets low in carbohydrates
• Low-fat diets
• Fish Plans
• Fruit and Vegetable Diet
• Etc.

In fact, it is likely that the list could go on for several pages, and over the last 80 or 70 years, appeared an endless supply of new diet plans. This was in response to what was, at times in the past, the relatively small number of overweight people. Today, however, many people have trouble controlling their weight and therefore the number of diet types proliferated accordingly.

Progress over time

You could be forgiven for thinking that scientific progress for decades have revolutionized the approach to lose weight and control it.

To some extent this may be true because medical science now has a better understanding of why some people have difficulty controlling their weight has always been the case, for example, 50 years ago.

Yet during this time has been a constant that applies to all plans. It is the widespread belief that if you find the right diet mechanism will be able to help everyone all the time.

Thus, the search for the regime "magic bullet" has generally involved the identification of a new approach and an attempt to convince everyone that the new method is somehow better than anything before him.

Now, in the 21st century, the reason for a diet concept for all "is seriously questioned.

new Thought

It is only relatively recently that scientists have begun to radically revise their ideas about the type of diet may be the most effective.

They are trying to identify a unique approach that will solve all the problems of the world, but now considering medical genetics, lifestyle and hormonal differences between individuals.

In other words, someone genetic composition and individual metabolism can make some sort of much more efficient for them than the other plan. To put it bluntly, a regime that can be sub-optimal in terms of results for one person may work well for another - even if both apply equally rigorous.

Thus, there is an increasing number of weight loss programs that are defined on the basis of the use of the most appropriate components from a number of different approaches to food, particularly those identified for medical reasons that the most likely to succeed for a given individual.

The basic methodology is to analyze the different levels of hormones and other markers in blood after selecting a type of plan that will be most suitable depending on individual metabolism of this person. This scheme could emphasize low carb, low fat or a varied diet, but with emphasis on controlling calories.

Blood individual levels can be monitored over time according to its reduced weight to make the changes that might be needed in your diet.

This is a new and radically different approach that is driven by an assessment of the biological function of the person rather than a fervent belief in a kind of diet or another. It is gaining popularity and we can expect to see much more emphasis on this approach in the future.

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