Saturday, December 6, 2014

Nutrition and Weight Loss - Is this system lets you fat?

Everywhere you look there "fad diets" that promise weight loss nutrition, one way or another. However, if you take enough time to review all spam and volumes on the shelves of bookstores, you will eventually encounter a book called "The fattening diets" by the time Geoffrey Cannon. In this book, the author argues that the plan is in fact one of the causes of obesity.

Cannon explanation is quite simple. As the human race has evolved developed the ability to cope with hunger face difficult times. However, when one lives in nature, human beings have never had to deal with weight management and lack of exercise too. Therefore, the body never evolved to understand the difference between hunger and weight loss nutrition for a healthy body weight.

And so, when the body senses that their food supply is slowing, working to keep your fat instead of burning the same amount. This means that the more we try to lose weight through diet, the body's fight to preserve its fat with a slower metabolism. It's not our fault that we crave sweets when diet - is evolution!

Dieting means less calories, right? Evil. According to the book Cannon, a low calorie diet is one of the worst things you can do to try to get rid of some weight and keep it. Instead, Cannon recommends that you forget to count calories and be more physically active instead. This will help redirect the intentions of your body to build lean tissue that burns fat more efficiently.

That said, Cannon not think you should just eat what you want. There is a difference between not watching calories and just gorging on donuts all day. Instead, we recommend you to congratulate you increased physical activity with a full quantity, well-balanced food.

Have your cake! - You can eat sweets if you want, just be sensible about it. However, do not do if you think about it in terms of balance. If you think you have won a cupcake because he skated, so you will not lose weight. Instead, they leave candy in the right when you want, and just keep pace with an active lifestyle, regardless of what you are trying to "balance off" life. Discover the fun because you have not had a still processing your willingness to yoga because it compensates.

Exercise makes the Diet

Stanford University researchers conducted a study that showed that people who are regularly active will burn 500 to 700 calories more each day than inactive. What is also important is that the body of a fit person will burn more energy during periods of rest as inactive.

Eating well and being active is key - indeed, Cannon does not say that all diets are bad. What he says is that weight loss nutrition is more than just cut that extra slice of cheese. Success requires to enter the year - and lots of it - in its strategy to get rid of that extra fat and get healthy.

Without continuous exercise, you will not be able to lose the weight you want, and you'll never stay away from all that manages to lose. According to Cannon, do not worry with most diets available today. They focus on the foods you eat. A good weight loss nutrition is a two-pronged strategy, to play exercise as important as the food consumption of paper.

Dr. William Berkowitz was in the field of natural health for over 23 years. Its objective is to maximize the health and vitality by natural means. One of her passions is diet and nutrition and their application to weight loss. Frustrated by the confusion in the market for weight loss, through his research, developed a weight loss program based on the laws of human physiology. He also developed a companion exercise program climbing metabolism in just minutes a day.

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