Thursday, December 4, 2014

Weight gain during pregnancy and weight loss after pregnancy

What is the weight gain during normal pregnancy and even gain weight after pregnancy?

How will the link between pregnancy and metabolism affect how you are going to lose weight after pregnancy?

Understanding the causes of excessive weight gain during pregnancy, and ...

You will have no problem with excessive weight gain while you were pregnant.

Will you get fat by having children?

Whether you have weight gain during and after pregnancy is an option, as it is completely under your control once you understand what is really going on, but ...

Most women have weight problems because of having children, and the reason is simply malnutrition. Unbelievable but true!

The first thing to understand about pregnancy, is that the baby comes first. It is a "matter of survival." Once pregnant, everything is designed for the survival and health of the baby.

If it were not, we would not have survived as a species!

What does the baby need?

In order to grow properly and be born healthy the baby is going to need a lot of nutrients, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, etc ...

If you provide these nutrients to grow a healthy baby, no problem, but if it is ...

The baby will take what it needs from the body of the mother, and if that happens, you will have two "problems":

1. You will be hungry all the time if the baby is not supplied with the nutrients it needs, so we'll overeat and have a weight gain during pregnancy much you need.

2. The baby will remove all the nutrients you can from your body, you're going to do a real number on your metabolism.

Now you have two problems!

First, you're going to have excessive weight gain during pregnancy, which means that instead of gaining 25 to 30 pounds normal, you can gain up to 50 pounds or more and ...

The extra weight is the weight that will be very difficult to get rid of after pregnancy, because ...

Second, your body is drained of stored nutrients, which means that now, you probably have a slow metabolism, so instead of losing weight easily after pregnancy ...

Is likely to continue to gain weight after pregnancy too.

God forbid, if you become pregnant again.

The answer is very simple!

Just eat only healthy foods to provide all the nutrients your baby's needs and not have problems.

You must have a good variety in your diet, and just get the healthiest food you can buy. It's a win-win for you and your baby, if you have both, because ...

Your baby could be unhealthy, and you could get fat for the rest of your life, or at least have a very difficult to get rid of any excess fat.

What is the normal weight gain during pregnancy?

In a normal pregnancy, you should have a weight gain during pregnancy of about 25 to 30 pounds or a little more, depending on the situation.

Let's say that you give birth to a baby is about 7-8 lbs. The increase in the blood volume can be another 3-4 pounds, and the increase in the volume of liquid may be another 2-3 pounds.

Then the amniotic fluid and a large uterus can add an extra couple of pounds each, plus larger breasts can weigh 1-3 pounds extra and placenta can weigh 1-2 Lbs.

In addition, your body could store 6-8 pounds of fat. (This is a feature of starvation survival).

Add it all up and you might have a weight gain during pregnancy from 24 to 32 pounds, but it's nothing to fear, because very little is fat, and ...

If you and your baby during pregnancy food, then your metabolism will remain normal and you will not have problems with weight loss after pregnancy.

What is healthy eating during pregnancy?

This topic could cover several volumes by itself, but keep it simple ...

Eating healthy during pregnancy is no different than when you are not, a lot of fruits and vegetables (if possible) organic fresh pregnant, and stay out of the "junk food."

It's not rocket science!

Go easy on the meat, and especially stay away culture meats because most of them contain a large amount of sulfites and nitrites as preservatives and these are very unhealthy for adults let alone a baby.

Read the ingredients in all processed foods for these preservatives also, because they are so pervasive.

Take high quality supplements

Like most of the food available in supermarkets today are very poor in nutrients, it is important to take high quality supplements that your body can absorb.

However ...

Only about 3-5% of most vitamins and mineral supplements on the market today are absorbed by the body and are a waste of money.

The same super supplements that encourage our students to lose weight are ideal for when you are pregnant, because it is not a product for weight loss, but the general supplements you ...

Help people to become more nutritionally satisfied. If you are more nutritionally satisfied, you'll eat less automatically, so that people lose weight while becoming healthier.

By giving better nutrition for your baby, you will not have nearly as many cravings and eat less junk. Thus, it is not only better for your baby, but will have both excessive weight gain during pregnancy.

No Any diet

A diet that is even for weight loss is not recommended, but it is very important that you do not go on a diet to try to prevent weight gain during pregnancy, because ...

Your baby needs all the nutrients it can get in order to develop a healthy body.

Even if you are overweight during pregnancy is not the time to try to lose weight. Losing weight after pregnancy is the best.

Eat healthy and take high quality supplements during pregnancy will help to maintain normal metabolism, so you will not have abnormal weight gain during pregnancy.

Register for the Slim America Project!

Although weight loss is not an issue for you right now, you do not sign up for the project of the Slim America, because you will learn how to eat healthier, what supplements to take, and if importantly ...

How to have your baby, without excess weight during pregnancy. This way you will not have a problem with weight loss after pregnancy.

Your baby deserves the best that can give you, and you are the only one who has total control of their

If you take the decision to lose Wazznk and be attractive and stylish

future life.



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