Thursday, December 11, 2014

7 Superfoods weight loss

Superfoods in this article not only weight loss attributes but the supreme health benefits that make them ideal affiliated with a healthy weight loss.


The peppers active ingredient called Capsaicin is a thermogenic agent that helps increase metabolism and burn calories and fat. Therefore capsaicin is in many natural weight loss formulations. Capsaicin is also believed to be an appetite suppressant. Two studies by the same Japanese researcher (Yoshioka et al, British Journal of Nutrition;. 1998, 1999) revealed the cayenne capacity to increase the metabolism of fat in the diet of women, as well as demonstrate a modest reduction appetite.

In addition to the weight loss properties, capsaicin has been shown to relieve pain, sinusitis, psoriasis and arthritis, migraines, improving circulation and stomach conditions and inhibit cell growth cancerous.

Bee pollen

Bee pollen, protein with an amazing composition of nutrients, enzymes and phytochemicals about 40%, is an almost complete food. Like many health benefits, it is said to boost metabolism, accelerate the burning of calories and rich in lecithin can help eliminate body fat.

Bee pollen also works as an appetite suppressant, which contains the amino acid phenylalanine is known to make the area of the brain that deals with feelings of hunger and satiety. Unlike artificial chemical derivative of phenylalanine called phenylpropanolamine used in commercial products for losing weight, phenylalanine is not addictive and has no negative side effects. Bee pollen also satiates the appetite and eliminates cravings because it is very rich in nutrients.

coconut oil

Dr Weston a price, the Darwin of nutrition writes, "Replacing the fats you eat now with coconut oil may be the wisest decision you can do to lose excess body fat. .. You can lose unwanted body fat by eating more saturated fat (such as coconut oil) and less polyunsaturated fat (processed vegetable oils). one of the remarkable things about coconut oil is that it can help you lose weight. Yes, there is a dietary fat that can really help you remove unwanted pounds. coconut oil can literally be called low-fat fat. "

Coconut oil is one consisting of saturated medium chain fatty acids are absorbed directly and immediately used for animal energy fat. Raymond Peat MD, author of coconut oil and virtues, he concludes, "The anti-obesity coconut oil effect is clear in all studies on animals, and my friends who eat regularly. "

Coconut oil has also been found in favor of a variety of conditions diabetes, chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia, digestive disorders, thyroid imbalances, and viral, bacterial and fungal infections.


Nettles contain serotonin, a neurotransmitter that enhances mood with a soothing influence. Serotonin also plays a role in satiety after eating known, so works as an appetite suppressant. It is for this reason that serotonin supplements have been designed to cope with cravings and slimming aid.

Studies have shown a direct link between obesity (due to overeating) and decreased levels of serotonin in the brain. This is certainly one reason why nettles have a traditional reputation for improving weight loss. The late naturalist and collector wild foods Euel Gibbons said, "Nettle is very effective in eliminating the extra pounds!".

Nettles are incredible mineral dense and are cleansing and detoxification for the body. They are also great for the skin, hair and nails, and sulfur-containing mineral embellishment.


Cacao (aka pure chocolate), contains chemicals that increase serotonin levels in the brain, and as such has appetite suppressing properties. Serotonin levels are high in part because of tryptophan, an amino acid in the cocoa, and the action of inhibitors of the enzyme monoamine oxidase (MAO inhibitors). These reduce the ability of our body to break down serotonin so that more of this neurotransmitter in the brain remains, creating longer satiety feelings.

Cacao is also exceptionally high in antioxidants, has potent aphrodisiac properties, minerals and healthy compounds humor energy as PEA "chemistry of love."

Pure chocolate, unrefined contains none of the drawbacks of commercial products, such as sugar, hydrogenated fat, milk, additives, chemicals and solvents.

green tea

A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, conducted by Dr. Dullo at the University of Geneva in December 1999, indicates that substances in green tea extract may actually promote weight loss. Men given a combination of caffeine and green tea extract burned more fat calories than those given only caffeine or a placebo.

Scientists believe that the flavonoids catechin in green tea may alter the body's use of norepinephrine, a chemical transmitter in the nervous system to increase the rate of burning calories. They concluded, "Green tea has thermogenic properties and promotes fat oxidation beyond that explained by its caffeine content per se '.

Green tea also lowers cholesterol, reduces the risk of stroke, protects against cancer, prevents tooth decay and has an anti-inflammatory action.

Omega 3 fish oil

Omega-3 oils are used many of the body and are particularly good process for the immune system and heart, as well as arthritis, skin disorders, premenstrual syndrome, mental function, improving memory and reducing depressive symptoms. Omega-3 oils also play a role in fat burning in the body and, as such, can help control weight.

This is due to its effect on insulin, reducing levels in the body. Insulin promotes the use of fat for storage and reduces the use of fat for the fuel, therefore the lower insulin levels mean a higher conversion of fat for energy storage.

The best sources of omega-3 oil are fatty fish such as sardines, salmon and mackerel. Plant sources include flaxseeds (the richest plant source), walnuts, pumpkin seeds, leafy green vegetables, evening primrose oil, wheat germ and spirulina.

We also recommend a diet mainly raw food (herbal) and alkaline diet for healthy weight loss.

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