Saturday, December 6, 2014

Natural Weight Loss - Diet Myths Revealed 4

When summer or class reunion comes around, everyone wants to lose those extra pounds to look good in that suit or bikini strips. Unfortunately, natural weight loss is not an easy task. There are many myths about weight loss leading to fad diets that does not help you lose weight at all.

Let's look at four popular diets and myths fashion that really do not help the cause of natural weight loss and can make you gain weight. We will also look at what really works in the weight loss process.

Weight Loss Myth # 1: To lose weight, you need to seriously cut the calories in your diet. The truth is that it leaves you with terrible cravings and decrease your metabolic rate so it's really hard to lose weight. You can not keep a diet like this and you'll end up cheating on the diet, resulting in weight gains that are for what you lost.

Weight Loss Myth # 2: You will be able to increase your metabolism if you choose to eat several small meals in a given day. This will increase your metabolism and lose weight faster. The truth is that the natural weight loss comes down a bit the caloric content of every day, but if you eat 2500 calories in one meal in a day or spread throughout the day, you are still eating too many calories rather you will lose weight. The way he did burn fat is to change your body composition. If you have a body that has a lot of muscle mass, you maintain the natural weight loss faster than if you have a lot of fat in your body. In other words, you have to work every day to increase your metabolism and change your body composition to include excessive muscle mass, which burns fat faster.

Weight Loss Myth # 3: Fat is bad for you so you have to follow a fat-free diet. This is a gross exaggeration. Although fat-free foods are still popular in the supermarket, you must understand that there is such a thing as a good fat and a healthy body can not survive without fat. You need a diet rich in fat naturally as fruits or vegetables, but also consider including in your diet a balance of fats in fish and nuts. Avoid trans fats, which are solid at room temperature and make your approach to eating more to eat healthy foods instead of reducing fat.

Weight Loss Myth # 4: Milk and dairy products help a person lose weight. This is a marketing ploy set up by the dairy industry and is completely false. Milk has many impurities and is full of unhealthy fats. The calcium in dairy products can help you lose weight naturally, but can also be found in soy milk or green leafy vegetables.

To get a handle on healthy ways to lose weight and start your own natural weight loss program, download your own free copy of "An Expert Guide to Weight Loss - Red Hot 7 Secrets to Turbo Charge your metabolism and increase your loss weight "by clicking on the link below.

FREE access to Dr. Berkowitz "Experts Guide to Weight Loss - 7 Secrets To Red Hot turbocharge your metabolism and increase your weight loss." Learn the seven secrets to increase your weight loss.

Click here to download a free copy of "weight loss experts Guide" in []

Frustrated by the confusion in the market for weight loss, through his research, Dr. Bill has developed a weight loss program based on the laws of human physiology.

He also developed an exercise companion program that increases metabolism in minutes per day

If you take the decision to lose Wazznk and be attractive and stylish



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